My enthusiasm to learn and belief in the power of creativity have made me into a new graphic/UI designer.

Personal Info

Astrology: Pieces
Email: in**@tt*****.com
Phone: 406.230.2656
Locaton: McDonough, Georgia, USA

My Expertise

With a focus on minimalist and user-centric aesthetics. I strive to create clean, intuitive interfaces that prioritize functionality while still being visually engaging.

I believe in conducting thorough research and usability testing to ensure that designs are intuitive and accessible.



Website Design and Development, AAS

Southern Crescent Technical College, McDonough, GA, USA

Graphic Design and Animation – Certificate

Southern Crescent Technical College, McDonough, GA, USA

Online Freelancer

Providing marketing collateral and packaging design services to small and medium companies through, an online online design resource.

Spalding County Public Works


View my full performance at internship page by clicking here.